Sponsored Projects


S.NoName of PI & Co-PITitle of the ProjectAmount sactionedName of funding agencyStatus
1Dr.G.Vijay KumarMotor Shaft Positioning Indicator 28,000K L E FCompleted
2Dr.P Venkata Siva RaoRole of ethical values in organization 11,500K L E FCompleted
3Mr.K.Vijaya BabuImpact of globalization on human health 11,000K L E FCompleted
4Dr.G.Vijay KumarTopology design to increase network lifetime in WSN for graph filtering in consensus processes 7,000K L E FCompleted
5Ch.Koteswara RaoVirtual Reality Simulation 8,000K L E FCompleted
6A.Naveen KumarVisualization and Computer-Aided Design 6,000K L E FCompleted
7N.Rama SheshuOptimal utilization of renewable energy sources in remote areas 7,000K L E FCompleted

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